I AM Africa - Africa is a person not a place... Let's build her...
Meet Jean Adero - Africa's Life Coach
I imagined...
a place where humanity, empathy, vulnerability was ordinary. A safe space where I, as a woman of African descent, felt seen, heard, and loved. A place to share my big professional and personal dreams freely, sans fear of judgement. A space where I truly belonged.
It was not until I learned the 'mastermind principle' that I saw the possibility of what I wished for. I realized that no two minds ever come together without creating a force, a power that propels towards greatness in the spirit of harmony. It's the feeling that I am because you are - also known in Kiswahili as 'Utu'.
That's what we are about!
The I AM Africa Experience is a space of humanity, dignity, support, and learning that will stir you towards the continuous transformation of your mind, body, and spirit, while surrounded by women who want you to win. You will push out procrastination and the wish for a bigger life by choosing to act on that innate desire to be the best you can be - all in the spirit of extreme joy and fun!
You were born to grow, and it is my hope that each year you will join me and our fabulous team of life coaches, to acknowledge your greatness, reimagine your future, and elevate to your next level of clarity.
Let's celebrate Africa. Let's celebrate you...

Our Teachers
Jean Adero
Africa's Life Coach
I believe...
that Africa is a person (not... a place), and it is for that reason that I make my ongoing personal transformation the most important agenda of my life. When I change, my Africa changes. How is your Africa doing?
As a coach, I will guide you to end your rat-race, release cultural shackles that hold you back, and will help you to live a life of power and possibility.
If you are tired of dancing with average, my Design Your Life Roadmap will jumpstart your inertia, move you out of indolence and inaction, by exciting you into claiming what's possible for you.
Are you ready?
Sue Seda-Odhiambo
You Were Born Rich
I love...
that I have a wonderful relationship with money. In the words of a wise sage, "I let money serve its purpose. But I don't live to serve money." I simply expect plenty of it to come my way.
I grew up in a culture that has a love-hate relationship with money. On one hand, money is the root of all evil, yet everyone I know and love wakes up early to go out to seek the money that 'brings all evil'.
For years, my money beliefs kept me from the abundance I wanted. I felt unworthy... until I renewed my mind for new beliefs. Now, instead of fixing my issues with money, I fix my thinking so that I can receive God's best and serve the world.
Our Elders

Professor Wangari Maathai
Environmentalist and Human Rights Champion
There comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness... that time is now.
Miriam Makeba
Singer, Songwriter, Civil Rights Activist
I look at an ant and I see myself: a native South African, endowed by nature with a strength much greater than my size so I might cope with the weight of a racism that crushes my spirit.
Nelson Mandela
Anti-apartheid Political Leader
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Maya Angelou
Author, Poet, Civil Rights Activist
When people show you who they believe them the first time.
Our Tribe